
Exhibition Announcements

Exhibition Announcement Yuan Ru Gallery 2025

Island Landscapes - Taipei, Taiwan.

I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be exhibiting some of my recent work in the group show Island Landscapes – Spring Exhibition – Exploring the Colors of Spring in Taiwan. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to showcase my work alongside such a talented and distinguished group of artists.

「島嶼地景 | 春季展」尋找台灣在地的春天色彩


藝術家|木下真子、陳怡芬、魏孟如、高安柏、施承澤、洪晧倫、盧楷Luke Kay

展期|2025年 03月9日5月31日

開幕日|3月9日 (週日) 15:00

講座|4月27日(週日) 15:00

與談人:台藝大- 何堯智  教授

藝術家:木下真子、施承澤、洪晧倫、盧楷Luke Kay


營業時間|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休)

Exhibition Announcement Random Space Gallery and Gallery Zasso 2025

Beginning - Tainan, Taiwan.

Delighted to share that I will be part of the group exhibition “Beginning”. This exciting showcase features the work of seven artists, each with unique practices and perspectives.

beginning @ Random Space x 二子 ertz
1/18 - 2/9 2025

Exhibition Announcement Gallery Zasso 2024

Echoes of Two Lands | Luke Kay


開幕茶會//5月18日 3:00 PM



跨⽂化主義意味著融合不同的⽂化,⽽多元⽂化主義則傾向保留其個別的差異。跨⽂化主義 融合各個⽂化,好比混合紅⾊與黃⾊即可得橙⾊。多元⽂化主義則強調讓各⾃的⽂化識別以 並存替代顯著的融合。雖然這些概念經常被描述為對立的範例,但它們實則錯綜,無法被簡 單的分類。然⽽,識別這兩者之間微妙的中間立場是重要的。想像⼀下,退⼀步欣賞紅與 黃,儘管截然不同,卻可以融合並且創造出全新的⾊彩,就好比合成新的⽂化元素。透過更 進⼀步的檢視,這複雜的和諧其實是源⾃於每⼀種⾊調都為整體的豐富性做出了貢獻。這種 平衡的視⾓使我們能夠擁抱⽂化的多樣性,同時確立其獨特性,透過充滿活⼒的⽂化表達和 理解來豐富社會。

《Echoes of Two Lands - 島間迴映》正是在表達這個概念。來⾃紐⻄蘭,⽬前定居台 灣,我將兩地的景觀融合、對比並且相互映照,以喚起⼀種閾限感、模糊邊界與彌合對比。 運⽤環境的素材,我試圖傳達地景如何去塑造⽂化的認同,也描繪環境與⾃我間充滿能量的 互動關係。藝術的啟發並非獨立崛起或孤⾃產⽣的;相反地,它是由各種外在因素與經驗所 形塑。即使看似為描述某個特定場景或視⾓的藝術創作,仍然受到了多重來源的作⽤。雖然 靈感根源於兩座島嶼,這個展覽也暗⽰著⼈性與環境間的普世連結,並且聚焦在個⼈與⾃然 間的內在關係。

⼀些尺幅較⼩的作品是在⼾外創作的,透過影片我記錄了影響它們的聲⾳與環境。使⽤的技 法包含以許多細⼩的油畫筆觸來發展顏⾊、層次與構圖。此外,這個過程反映了作品背後的 理論,隨著繪畫的進程提供了美學上的靈活性,同時也為畫⾯賦予了暗⽰性的特質,邀請觀 眾⾃由地詮釋並結合其個別的視覺體驗,以獨特的視⾓來理解並且共同完成藝術創作。

Transculturalism involves merging different cultures, whereas multiculturalism tends to maintain their separation. To clarify, transculturalism blends diverse cultural elements, akin to mixing colors like red and yellow to create orange, while multiculturalism emphasizes the coexistence of distinct cultural identities without significant blending. While often depicted as opposing paradigms, these concepts are multifaceted and defy simplistic categorization. However, recognizing the nuanced middle ground between these two approaches is essential. Imagine stepping back to see how separate colors of red and yellow, though distinct, can merge to create something new, much like the synthesis of cultural elements. Upon closer examination, we appreciate the intricate harmony where each hue contributes to the richness of the whole. This balanced perspective allows us to embrace the diversity of cultures while acknowledging their unique qualities, enabling transculturalism and multiculturalism to coexist and enrich society with vibrant shades of cultural expression and understanding.

This concept is expressed in 'Echoes of Two Lands - 島間迴映' my 2024 solo exhibition at Gallery Zasso, which is informed by the interconnectedness of identity and environments. Originally from New Zealand and now based in Taiwan, I blend, contrast, and reflect landscapes from both locales, evoking a sense of liminality, blurring boundaries, and bridging contrasts. Using environmental motifs, I seek to convey how landscapes mold cultural identity and the dynamic interplay between environment and self. And as artistic influence doesn't arise independently or in isolation; rather, it's shaped by various external factors and experiences. Even artworks that may seem to reflect a specific place or perspective are still influenced by a blend of different sources. And while inspiration stems from New Zealand and Taiwan, the exhibition suggests a universal connection between humanity and the environment, highlighting the intrinsic link between identity and nature.

Some of the smaller works were created outdoors, with video documentation capturing the sounds and surroundings that influenced them. The technique I employ involves building up colors, layers, and compositions with many small brushstrokes of oil paint. Additionally, reflecting the theory behind this work, this process allows for aesthetic flexibility as the paintings evolve, while also lending a suggestive quality to the artwork and inviting viewers to interpret and bring their own diverse visual experiences to complete the pieces uniquely.

WHATZ International Art Fair Taipei Taiwan Artist Luke Kay

2024 WHATZ 國際當代藝術博覽會

A selection of paintings will be exhibited in room 962 with Gallery Zasso at the 2024 WHATZ International Contemporary Art Fair in Taipei, Taiwan.

地點//台北喜來登大飯店 Room 962

媒體&貴賓預展|Media & VIP Preview|

5/10 (Fri.) 12:00-17:00

兆豐VIP專場|Mega International Commercial Bank VIP Event|

5/10 (Fri.) 14:00-17:00

公眾展期|General Admission|

5/10  (Fri.)   17:00-20:00

5/11  (Sat.)  12:00-20:00

5/12  (Sun.) 11:00-19:00

Gallery representation in Taichung City, Taiwan.

New works available at Gallery ZASSO草也, Taichung City, Taiwan.

Gallery Zasso is located within walking distance of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung, Taiwan.

台中市西區五權西六街72號, Taichung, Taiwan

Xinying Cultural Center Exhibition. Tainan, Taiwan.

Exhibition《All in All : 聚合 》洪子琁 與 Luke Kay 雙人展

Time flies, Our exhibition "All in All” at Xinying’s Cultural Center has come to an end. Thanks to the staff of the Cultural Center for their invitation and help to facilitate this exhibition. Thank you very much to our friends who came to the exhibition from all over Taiwan and those who have supported us online. Special thanks to my exhibition partner @hungtheart for your help and support.

時光匆匆,新營的「All in All :聚合」展覽來到了完結,感謝文化中心人員的邀請與幫忙,才能促成這次的展出。非常感謝從各地前來看展的朋友與一直在網路默默關注展覽動態的你們,特別感謝展出夥伴 @hungtheart 的幫忙與支持。

《All in All : 聚合 》洪子琁 與 Luke Kay 雙人展

來自紐西蘭藝術家Luke Kay(盧楷)與台南插畫家洪子琁 @hungtheart 於9月11至20日在台南新營文化中心第一畫廊聯手展出,展覽主題“All in All”文意“總而言之,聚合了過去與經過,畫作承載藝術家們表述在生活紛擾中被孤立與焦慮不安的內省時刻,於波濤的浪潮中潛沉於平靜,思考並連結過往記憶來包裹當下感知的情緒,每個情緒點的一端是連結曾經的自己,所有的迷惘,答案也許早就等在了深深的意識裡。以畫探問,觀照自我。邀請觀者試著以經驗,探索繪者畫面中的此情此景,一起思索與對話。


藝術家Luke Kay(盧楷)Luke Kay Art,透過畫中的森林、海洋、廣闊大地象徵具有迷失與自由、神秘又深具探索的吸引力、備受保護又隨時會受到傷害的模糊意象之間,打開我們對於作品的思索、投射與對話。


‧展覽時間: 2020.9.11(五) - 9.20(日)

‧展覽地點: 台南新營文化中心-第一畫廊(臺南市新營區中正路23號 )

‧開放時間: 09:00~17:00 ( 週 一 、二公 休 )
‧聯絡方式: 06-6321047


Xinying Cultural Center Exhibition Announcement

Xinying Cultural Center Exhibition Announcement Luke Kay Art.JPG

I am pleased to announce my next exhibition will be in September 2020 at the Xinying Cultural Center in Tainan, Taiwan. This will be a two person show with the incredibly talented Hung, Tsu Hsuan.

Our work will be in Gallery One from Friday the 11th September through till Sunday 20th September 2020.

More details to follow.


我很高興地宣布,我的下一個展覽將於2020年9月在台灣台南的新營文化中心舉行。 這將是與藝術家洪子琁的兩人聯展。

展覽時間:2020年9月11日(五)- 9月20日(日),我們的作品將在文化中心第一畫廊舉行。


Luke Kay

BFA, Dunedin School of Art, 2001.

Luke Kay 於2001年畢業於紐西蘭Dunedin School of Art,獲得美術學士學位(BFA)

Luke Kay, a New Zealand-born artist currently residing in Taiwan, explores themes of identity and environmental influences in his art, drawing inspiration from both his homeland and current surroundings. His work offers a multiplicity of interpretations, evoking varied emotions, thoughts, and responses from viewers depending on their cultural context. This multivalence is a product of his experiences during his residency in Taiwan, infusing his art with layers of meaning and cultural influence, making it accessible and thought-provoking for diverse audiences